Get involved!
Join the Evansville Philharmonic Guild. Learn more about the Evansville Philharmonic Guild, its officers, and its purpose.
The Guild meets the first Thursday of each month, at 10:00 am, at the Evansville Country Club (unless otherwise notified).
Our Purpose
- Enlist community support and interest in the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestral Corporation
- Promote musical knowledge and appreciation for young people through education activities
- Establish, operate and maintain fund-raising activities to further the purposes of the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra
Current Guild Officers
President - Brooksie Smith
Vice President - Beth Poole
Recording Secretary -Kathy Miller
Corresponding Secretary - Darla Olberding & Ann Almqiust
Treasurer - Robyn Musgrave
Parliamentarian - Shirley Becker
Advisor - Diane Masterson