Martha and Merritt deJong Foundation
Mrs. Phyllis R. Grimm
Mary Kennard in loving memory of Gene Kennard
William E. Schmidt Foundation
C. Wayne Worthington Family
Robert and Marianna Wright
Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Eykamp
Friends of the Chorus
Neal Franklin
Evansville Philharmonic Board of Directors
Dick and Diane Arneson
Earl S. and Bridget McDaniel
Father Raymond Brenner
Dr. Marcus Obeius
Psi Iota Xi Symphony Fund
Uebehlor Chevy Cadillac Toyota
Wayne E. Parke
Helen M. McKinney Memorial Fund Concert Trust
Jane Krempp
Mesker Music Trust
Mark and Shelah Powers
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Susan Vaughn
Kirk and Sherry Wright / Casa Finale'
Phil and Linda Palmer Fassett
Benjamin and Anna Bosse Public Music Fund
Bruce Batts
Caroline Fairbanks
Crescent, Cresline, Wabash Plastics Foundation
John and Robyn Musgrave
Nancy and Tom Traylor Foundation
Rose M. Brievogel
The Ruxer Foundation