Some Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Purchase Tickets?
Tickets can be purchased in person at the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra office, located at 20 NW 3rd Street, Suite 500 (5th floor) or in person the day of the concert ,at the Victory Theatre box office, beginning two hours prior to the concert.
Where Do I Pick Up Will-Call Tickets?
Will Call (pre-paid) tickets for all major performances may be picked at the Victory Theatre, located at 600 Main Street, two hours prior to performance. There are two box offices at the Victory, one for purchasing tickets and one for picking up pre-paid tickets (Will-Call). The Will-Call Box Office is located in the Main Street entrance of the Victory Theatre (directly across from Ford Center). See the online map for driving instructions.
Is Special Access Seating Available?
The Victory Theatre and The Centre have seating available for those patrons requiring wheelchair access. Special access seating should be reserved in advance. Call the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra Ticket Office at 812.425.5050 for details and seat availability.
How Long Is The Concert?
It varies, but most orchestra concerts range from about 90 minutes to two hours, with an intermission at the halfway point.
Very often there will be several pieces on the concert; but sometimes there is one single work played straight through. It's a good idea to take a look at the program before the concert to get an idea of what to expect. Also, you can always call us at 812.425.5050 for an estimated length.
Very often there will be several pieces on the concert; but sometimes there is one single work played straight through. It's a good idea to take a look at the program before the concert to get an idea of what to expect. Also, you can always call us at 812.425.5050 for an estimated length.
When Should I Arrive?
Plan to arrive 20-30 minutes before concert time, so you can find your seat, turn off your cell phone, take a look at your surroundings, absorb the atmosphere, and have time to glance through the program book, too. You won't be alone.
Most concertgoers make a point of coming early to read the program notes, or just watch the orchestra warm up. The pre-concert talk with the Music Director during the Classics start at 6:15 PM before the 7 PM performance, is free to concert attendees, and lasts about 25 minutes, so you have time between the talk and concert to get a drink, use the restroom, mingle, etc. During the talk, Maestro covers topics such as why he programmed the particular pieces on that concert, things you should listen for during the performance, and information about the composer. Often, the soloist performing that date will join the talk for all or part, so you get to hear first-hand from the amazing artist you're going to see later in the evening.
And there's another good reason to come early: Our concerts start on time. If you're late, you may end up listening from the lobby! If that happens, the usher will allow you inside during a suitable pause in the program, so your arrival won't disturb other concertgoers. Unfortunately, some concerts have no late seating.
To confirm a particular concert's late seating policy, please call us at 812.425.5050. If you have to leave a concert before its end, please do so between program works.
Most concertgoers make a point of coming early to read the program notes, or just watch the orchestra warm up. The pre-concert talk with the Music Director during the Classics start at 6:15 PM before the 7 PM performance, is free to concert attendees, and lasts about 25 minutes, so you have time between the talk and concert to get a drink, use the restroom, mingle, etc. During the talk, Maestro covers topics such as why he programmed the particular pieces on that concert, things you should listen for during the performance, and information about the composer. Often, the soloist performing that date will join the talk for all or part, so you get to hear first-hand from the amazing artist you're going to see later in the evening.
And there's another good reason to come early: Our concerts start on time. If you're late, you may end up listening from the lobby! If that happens, the usher will allow you inside during a suitable pause in the program, so your arrival won't disturb other concertgoers. Unfortunately, some concerts have no late seating.
To confirm a particular concert's late seating policy, please call us at 812.425.5050. If you have to leave a concert before its end, please do so between program works.
Where Can I Park?
There is parking available located behind the Civic Center which remains free for downtown entertainment. Additionally, there are about 600 on-street parking spaces throughout downtown that are free as well. The Sycamore Garage on the corner of Sycamore and 6th houses parking for downtown events and can be paid for by credit/debit cards only starting anywhere from $5 to $7 per vehicle.
Buses and vans may temporarily unload and load passengers at the 6th & Sycamore Street entrance of the Victory Theatre. Buses and vans must park elsewhere.
Buses and vans may temporarily unload and load passengers at the 6th & Sycamore Street entrance of the Victory Theatre. Buses and vans must park elsewhere.
Can I Bring My Children?
It depends on the concert and on the age of your kids. Many standard-length classical concerts are inappropriate for small children because they require an attention span that is difficult for youngsters to maintain. Most concerts also are held at night, and stretch beyond "bedtime."
To further build your children's interest in classical music, play classical radio or CDs around the house. When they are old enough to sit quietly for an extended period, you may wish to bring them to the first half of a standard concert. An interested preteen or teenager could also have a marvelous time at an orchestra concert, particularly if it features several different pieces.
In all cases, it's a good idea to check with the orchestra directly about the appropriateness of the concert you plan to attend with your kids. Also ask about discounts for students and children.
It is also important to note, the Philharmonic has a strict "No babes in arms" policy. Every child and adult must have a ticket.
To further build your children's interest in classical music, play classical radio or CDs around the house. When they are old enough to sit quietly for an extended period, you may wish to bring them to the first half of a standard concert. An interested preteen or teenager could also have a marvelous time at an orchestra concert, particularly if it features several different pieces.
In all cases, it's a good idea to check with the orchestra directly about the appropriateness of the concert you plan to attend with your kids. Also ask about discounts for students and children.
It is also important to note, the Philharmonic has a strict "No babes in arms" policy. Every child and adult must have a ticket.
Can I Take Pictures?
Cameras, as well as other recording devices, in the theatre can create major distractions for musicians and audience members around you. As a result, no still photography (camera/cell phone), video cameras, or tape recorders are permitted. All equipment should be checked with the house manager prior to entering the auditorium. Please contact a nearby volunteer usher for assistance. You are allowed to use your cell phone (kept on silent) to take photos and videos (flash must be off) and post to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram of your experience. Be sure to tag the @EvansvillePhil on Facebook, @EvansvillePhil on Twitter, and Evvphil on Instagram. Use the #EvansPhil hashtag!
Feel free to take pictures in the lobbies before/after the concert or during intermission. Often guest artists will be available to sign CDs and take pictures during intermission or after the concert. After intermission, please remember to re-check your camera with the house manager and turn off all cell phones before returning to your seat to help ensure a pleasurable experience for all.
NOTE: The Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra does have official photographers whom you may see at events. They try to be as discreet as possible and are identified by official name badges.
Feel free to take pictures in the lobbies before/after the concert or during intermission. Often guest artists will be available to sign CDs and take pictures during intermission or after the concert. After intermission, please remember to re-check your camera with the house manager and turn off all cell phones before returning to your seat to help ensure a pleasurable experience for all.
NOTE: The Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra does have official photographers whom you may see at events. They try to be as discreet as possible and are identified by official name badges.
When Do I Clap?
This is the number-one scary question! No one wants to clap in the "wrong" place.
Knowing when to clap is simpler than you may think, and quite logical on the whole.
At the beginning of the concert, the concertmaster will come onstage. The audience claps as a welcome, and as a sign of appreciation to all the musicians. After the orchestra tunes, the conductor, and possibly a soloist, will
come onstage. Everyone claps to welcome them, too.
This is also a good moment to make sure your program is open, so you can see the names of the pieces that will be played and their order. Then everything settles down and the music begins. Just listen and enjoy!
The audience doesn't usually applaud again until the end of the piece. In most classical concerts-unlike jazz or pop-the audience never applauds during the music. They wait until the end of each piece, then let loose with their applause.
This is why knowing when to applaud for a classical concert is a little bit tricky. Many pieces have several parts, or "movements," and seem to have more than a single ending.
To find out the number of movements and corresponding number of pauses in a piece, turn to the program page in your program book. You will find that each work is subdivided by movment, and is usually indicated by tempo markings in Italian.
If you lose track, and aren't sure whether the piece is truly over, then watch the conductor for a clue. Usually, he won't relax between movements, but keep hands raised; the attention of the musicians will remain on the conductor. If in any doubt, it's always safe to wait and follow what the rest of the audience does!
At the end of the piece, it's time to let yourself go and let the musicians know how you felt about their playing. Many pieces end "big"-and you won't have any doubt of what to do when! Some end very quietly, and then you'll see the conductor keep hands raised for a few seconds at the end, to "hold the mood." Then the hands will drop, someone will clap or yell "Bravo!"-and that's your cue.
There's no need to restrain yourself. If you enjoyed what you heard, you can yell "Bravo!" too.
Knowing when to clap is simpler than you may think, and quite logical on the whole.
At the beginning of the concert, the concertmaster will come onstage. The audience claps as a welcome, and as a sign of appreciation to all the musicians. After the orchestra tunes, the conductor, and possibly a soloist, will
come onstage. Everyone claps to welcome them, too.
This is also a good moment to make sure your program is open, so you can see the names of the pieces that will be played and their order. Then everything settles down and the music begins. Just listen and enjoy!
The audience doesn't usually applaud again until the end of the piece. In most classical concerts-unlike jazz or pop-the audience never applauds during the music. They wait until the end of each piece, then let loose with their applause.
This is why knowing when to applaud for a classical concert is a little bit tricky. Many pieces have several parts, or "movements," and seem to have more than a single ending.
To find out the number of movements and corresponding number of pauses in a piece, turn to the program page in your program book. You will find that each work is subdivided by movment, and is usually indicated by tempo markings in Italian.
If you lose track, and aren't sure whether the piece is truly over, then watch the conductor for a clue. Usually, he won't relax between movements, but keep hands raised; the attention of the musicians will remain on the conductor. If in any doubt, it's always safe to wait and follow what the rest of the audience does!
At the end of the piece, it's time to let yourself go and let the musicians know how you felt about their playing. Many pieces end "big"-and you won't have any doubt of what to do when! Some end very quietly, and then you'll see the conductor keep hands raised for a few seconds at the end, to "hold the mood." Then the hands will drop, someone will clap or yell "Bravo!"-and that's your cue.
There's no need to restrain yourself. If you enjoyed what you heard, you can yell "Bravo!" too.
What About Other Noises? Including Cell Phones, Pagers, Watch Alarms
Please be courteous to patrons and performers by refraining from talking or other audible disturbances while the concert is in progress. Please turn off cell phones, pagers and watch alarms or set to vibrate upon entering the theatre.
What If I Have Tickets I Cannot Use?
Ticket holders who cannot attend a concert can exchange those tickets for Classics or Pops concerts only (based on availability) for an exchange fee of $2.00 per ticket (free to subscribers).
Tickets are exchanged on a ticket-for-ticket basis and cannot be used as a credit for a different number of tickets in another price range. Subscribers can receive a tax deduction by donating tickets back to the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra for resale prior to the concert. Tickets may be exchanged for higher-priced seating by paying the difference in cost. No refunds are given for the difference when the only available tickets are lower-priced. Tickets must be exchanged only through the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra Ticket Office.
Unused tickets to past concerts cannot be exchanged, donated or refunded.
Tickets are exchanged on a ticket-for-ticket basis and cannot be used as a credit for a different number of tickets in another price range. Subscribers can receive a tax deduction by donating tickets back to the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra for resale prior to the concert. Tickets may be exchanged for higher-priced seating by paying the difference in cost. No refunds are given for the difference when the only available tickets are lower-priced. Tickets must be exchanged only through the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra Ticket Office.
Unused tickets to past concerts cannot be exchanged, donated or refunded.
What If I Have To Cough?
Everyone gets the urge to cough now and then. Worrying about disturbing your fellow listeners is a laudable impulse, but don't let it ruin your enjoyment of the concert. There's a funny thing about coughing-the less worried you are about it, the less likely you are to feel the urge! So chances are you'll feel less need to cough if you're prepared:
1.Be sure to visit the water fountain in the lobby before the concert, and at intermission.
2.If you have a cold, take some cough medicine in advance and bring wax paper-wrapped-or unwrapped-lozenges with you. Have a few out and ready when the music begins. (Often you may find cough drops provided for free at the Philharmonic's table in the Sixth Street lobby.)
3.Allow yourself to become involved in listening to the music and in watching the performers.
The more you are absorbed in what's going on, the less likely you are to cough.
Still, if you absolutely can't restrain yourself, try to wait for the end of a movement. Or "bury" your cough in a loud passage of music.
If this is impossible, and you feel a coughing fit coming on, it's perfectly acceptable to quietly exit the concert hall. Don't be embarrassed-your fellow listeners will probably appreciate your concern for their listening experience.
1.Be sure to visit the water fountain in the lobby before the concert, and at intermission.
2.If you have a cold, take some cough medicine in advance and bring wax paper-wrapped-or unwrapped-lozenges with you. Have a few out and ready when the music begins. (Often you may find cough drops provided for free at the Philharmonic's table in the Sixth Street lobby.)
3.Allow yourself to become involved in listening to the music and in watching the performers.
The more you are absorbed in what's going on, the less likely you are to cough.
Still, if you absolutely can't restrain yourself, try to wait for the end of a movement. Or "bury" your cough in a loud passage of music.
If this is impossible, and you feel a coughing fit coming on, it's perfectly acceptable to quietly exit the concert hall. Don't be embarrassed-your fellow listeners will probably appreciate your concern for their listening experience.
What Should I Wear?
There is no dress code! Anything that makes you feel comfortable is fine. Most people will be wearing business clothes or slightly dressy casual clothes, but you'll see everything from khakis to cocktail dresses.
Some people enjoy dressing up and making a special night of it, and you can, too. Still, evening gowns and tuxedos are pretty rare
unless you've bought tickets for a fancy gala-and if you have, you'll know!
It is also recommended that patrons refrain from using perfumes and colognes so as not to distract the patrons around you.
Some people enjoy dressing up and making a special night of it, and you can, too. Still, evening gowns and tuxedos are pretty rare
unless you've bought tickets for a fancy gala-and if you have, you'll know!
It is also recommended that patrons refrain from using perfumes and colognes so as not to distract the patrons around you.
How do I receive a program for the concert?
Some printed program booklets are available at the lobby entrances but we encourage guests to use our digital program book by scanning the QR code at the Victory Theatre entrances. If you have questions, call the EPO Box Office.